Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dough Boy Love

I gotta give a shout out to my Poppin' Fresh doll, a childhood toy I still have and love for no good reason other than I equate him with deliciousness..


Eric Scales said...

I remember my grandparents having one of these, I thought it was cool- it was probably the very first toy I had seen that looked almost exactly like the character it was modeled after- meaning that not only was the sculpting a perfect match but the material he was made out of totally looked like whatever clay material the real pillsbury doughboy was actually made of. I think the high quality really raised my expectations on what toys could be.

Though I did think it was odd that the Pillsbury logo that should have been on his hat was just a solid blue circle.

Wings1295 said...

I had one, too. No clue whatever happened to it, though.

DonKelly said...

Still have mine as well.. don't recall where it came from but it's still among the things I kept from my childhood.

Biffo said...

Mine is on a shelf over my stove overseeing my culinary mistakes. He's so judgey......

Dancin' Homer said...

There was also a female version of the doughboy, who wore a bonnet. We had both when I was younger, wish we still did.


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